From repository to museum: paintings from the 15th and 16th centuries
In 2024, an additional section dedicated to works from the 15th and 16th centuries previously stored in the repositories will be opened in the restored spaces of the former Monte dei Pegni on the first floor (next to the conference room).
As a result of maintenance and restoration work and studies, seventeen paintings on panel and canvas have been added to the museum’s permanent collection in order to enhance its value and accessibility.
Aside from providing insight into lesser-known artists, including Tommaso di Piero Trombetto, the 15th-century paintings also reveal Prato's cultural character shaped by its many workshops. These, primarily in Florence, contributed to the development of themes and stylistic modes derived from the greatest masters, especially by disseminating models and replicas of their works, particularly Domenico Ghirlandaio's workshop.
The collection of Sacred Families and Madonnas with Child from the 16th century is evidence of the cultural diversity and vibrancy of Prato's artistic community, which featured remarkable examples of Florentine art. However, the styles of Raphael and Andrea del Sarto was frequently reinterpreted in innovative ways; as was demonstrated by artists like Zanobi Poggini and Domenico Beceri.
Artworks in this section
- Scuola fiorentina Annunciation XV-XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Tommaso di Piero Trombetto Christ in piety 1526 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Bottega di Domenico Ghirlandaio Crucifixion with the Holy Women, Saint John, Saint Jerome and Saint Francis XV sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Scuola fiorentina Holy Family with Saint John 1530-1540 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Domenico Beceri Holy Family with Saint John 1540 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Michele delle Colombe Holy Family with Saint John 1575 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Stefano Pieri Holy Family with Saint John XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera Virgin Mary and Child 1450 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Lorenzo di Giovanni di Nofri Virgin Mary and Child XV sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Zanobi Poggini Virgin Mary and Child 1551 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Tommaso di Piero Trombetto Virgin Mary with Child and Saint John 1529 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Scuola fiorentina Virgin Mary with Child and Saint John XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Scuola fiorentina Virgin Mary with Child and Saint John 1550-1560 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Francesco Brina Virgin Mary with Child and Saint John XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Ludovico Buti Virgin Mary with Child between Saint Barnabas and Saint Sylvester 1577 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- Tommaso di Piero Trombetto Virgin Mary with Child between Saints Roch, John, Sebastian, Dominic and Leonard XV-XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
- da Andrea del Sarto Virgin Mary with Child, Saint Elizabeth, Saint John and angels XVI sec. d.C. Palazzo Pretorio Museum
Last update: 19 december 2024, 11:18